Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Biography Project

There are so many interesting people in the world to study! Authors, Artists, Scientists, Presidents, Sportsmen, History Makers, Inventors, and so many more! We recently spent some time exploring the lives of some great figures in history using the database Pebble Go. 
Specifically designed to meet needs of preK-5 researchers. Animals, Earth and Space, Biographies and Social Studies articles and videos
 After looking through the many choices of people, each student selected a single person to focus on and research further. Each student started with the information on Pebble Go, and then expanded their search for information to books in our library. During this research time, students used a graphic organizer to collect important information about their selected individual. Then each student took his/her information and wrote a short narrative from the point of view of their person to tell about the important things in his/her life. We recorded these speeches and put them together on the website Voicethread.
 Please view our final project HERE and feel free to comment on our work!